


A World First And The Greatest Invention Since The Microscope From ZEISS
Date : 2021.05.12

Paul Gaston of Zeiss on MTD CNC* introduces Zeiss's latest microscope (Visioner 1) as the greatest invention of all time.

Shall we find out why?

Visioner 1 supports real-time all-in-focus images, unlike conventional microscopes.

MALS™, a unique technology, enables real-time Extended Depth of Field (EDoF) and real-time 3D image generation

without extra Z-Stack and series of image post-processing.

These techniques significantly reduce fatigue from repeated and precise measurements as well as increase accuracy.

The world's first Visioner 1, introduced by Zeiss, is leading innovation in optical inspection and documentation systems,

not only in the traditional manufacturing industry, but also in battlefield and aviation.

We look forward to expanding our role in the oil, gas and medical industry's testing process. 



*MTD CNC is an engineering platform established in the UK that provides reliable precision engineering news and networks.


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Visioner 1 intro.png